Fair of Plastics and Rubber Industry SilesiaPLASTICS & RUBBER 2015

- Date:
- -
- Location:
Sosnowiec, Poland,
Expo Silesia - Centrum Targowo-Wystawiennicze, ul. Braci Mieroszewskich 124
- Organizer
Expo Silesia Sp. z o.o.
ul. Braci Mieroszewskich 124,
41-219 Sosnowiec
- Phone:
- +48 32 788 75 54
- Fax:
- +48 32 788 75 25
- www:
- e-mail:
Join us at the Fair of Plastics and Rubber Industry SilesiaPLASTICS & RUBBER. This event focuses on the issues related to rubber and silicone processing. The subject range of the fair includes companies offering products and services for the plastics market. The event is organised in the most industrialised region of Poland, in close proximity to one of Europe's largest Special Economic Zones.
The fair presenting products and services will be accompanied by a conference organised by the Institute of Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes, Paint and Plastics Department in Gliwice. The purpose of the event ADVANCES IN PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY is to establish and expand cooperation between experts from Central, Eastern and Western Europe and between science and industry. Its main message is the transfer of technological progress from companies that are leaders in the field of plastics in the world, as well as from renowned R&D centres to scientific and industrial centres in Poland and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
The fair presenting products and services will be accompanied by a conference organised by the Institute of Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes, Paint and Plastics Department in Gliwice. The purpose of the event ADVANCES IN PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY is to establish and expand cooperation between experts from Central, Eastern and Western Europe and between science and industry. Its main message is the transfer of technological progress from companies that are leaders in the field of plastics in the world, as well as from renowned R&D centres to scientific and industrial centres in Poland and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe