The 2nd Annual Bioplastics Innovation Forum

- Date:
- -
- Location:
- Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- Organizer
Učňovská 9, 190 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic
- Phone:
- 00 490 277 277 277
- e-mail:
The 2nd Annual Bioplastics Innovation Forum is a result of the global efforts to reduce such plastic pollution and to reduce the greenhouse gases emitted in the production stage. The BIF22, through a series of top-level presentations, interactive panel discussions, and solution-based case studies will try to answer some of the questions and solve some of the challenges that the industry is facing and at the same time offer the delegates a learning platform where they can see the latest advancements and technology innovations in bioplastics production.
Key topics:
- Bioplastics regulatory and market developments in the EU
- Biomass supply chain and sustainable feedstock resources
- New manufacturing methods for biobased drop-in solutions
- PLA commercialization and Life Cycle Assessment
- End-use applications of bioplastics Recycling and end-of-life options for bioplastics
- Bioplastics market predictions and expectations for the years to come
The 2nd Annual Bioplastics Innovation Forum 2022-02-14