Taizhou Huaxi Mould Co.,Ltd
Huaxi produces around 200-300 sets moulds, mainly produce chair moulds, table moulds, stool moulds, crate moulds, dustbin moulds, basket moulds, flowerpot moulds etc.
ChinaYineng Precision Mould (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
Plastic injection moulding maker, double mould, two shot mould, over mould,plastic production
ChinaTaizhou Huangyan New Vision Industry & Trading Co.,Ltd
Mould, injection plastic mould, plastic products, manufacturer, novmould
ChinaMould & Matic Solutions GmbH
Thermoforming moulds, stackers & other handling equipment for the plastic cup and lid production
AustriaENGEL Polska Sp. z o.o.
Injection moulding machines, Injection moulds, Other, Machine services, Trainings, Software, Robots and Manipulators
Poland, 03-289 Warszawa, Ostródzka 50bKabor Plast
Furniture and interior accessories, For electronics and domestic appliances, Other, Injection moulds, Injection