Avery Dennison launches new thin materials

Avery Dennison launches new… Avery Dennison launches new thin materials portfolio that improves environmental sustainability for food labeling.

Avery Dennison has launched its first ever comprehensive food labelling portfolio to focus on improved environmental sustainability.

The new Avery Dennison Thin materials provide converters access to a broad range of food labelling products that are more environmentally sustainable, use significantly thinner materials, boost productivity, and maintain conversion and shelf performance, when compared to other conventional labelling materials.

Now available in Europe, the new portfolio comprises six labelling laminates with a complete range of facestock choices. These include a topcoated direct thermal paper for courier/warehouse use, a non-topcoated version for Point of Sale, an economical MC Primecoat product for jars/bottles and a white semi-gloss paper for fresh packed meats/cheeses. The range also includes two polyethylene films – high clarity and high opacity versions – for chilled, processed foods.

Better environmental sustainability is a key demand for many of Europe’s largest food manufacturers and retailers, and the Avery Dennison Thin Labelling Portfolio allows for substantial improvements. For example, conducting an Avery Dennison Greenprint assessment if the new MC Primecoat 70 product were used for relevant food labelling across Europe, the impact would result in a reduction in waste equivalent to what is produced from 750,000 households, energy consumption savings from 72,000 households and the reduced water consumption from 6,000 households. Such a switch would also save 4,300 trees and reduce carbon emissions by an amount equal to 4,400 cars.*

Georg Mueller-Hof, business development director at Avery Dennison is clear that demand for thinner products will grow: “There is no doubt that thinner products are going to become the new standard specification, and it is a priority for us to make sure that converters are able to maintain or improve productivity, and support sustainability claims. This new portfolio makes available thermal, paper and film materials that have better sustainability performance across the spectrum of food applications.”

The benefits of the new range are highlighted by comparing one of the new products, MC Primecoat 70, with the widely used MC Primecoat 80. The conventional material uses an 80g facestock and a 59g glassine liner. This compares with the new material’s 70g FSC facestock and 50g liner – a total weight reduction close to 15%. Apart from the sustainability impact of using less material, substantial productivity benefits. are also expected such as fewer roll changes and reduced transport costs.

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Labels 70