The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will identify harmful chemicals in packaging and, when requested, propose restrictions on their use. These responsibilities come from the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, which entered into force two days ago.
The new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation introduces new tasks for ECHA. The first task for ECHA is to support the European Commission by preparing a study identifying chemicals of concern in packaging and related components assessing how these chemicals affect their safety, reuse and recycling. ECHA is to provide its input to the Commission by end of September 2026.
Based on this report, the Commission will then consider appropriate follow-up measures, including possible restrictions on the use of substances in packaging materials that pose health or environmental risks. These restrictions will follow the existing REACH restriction process.
Through this work, ECHA will contribute to better protection of people and the environment from harmful chemicals in packaging and promote safe reuse and sustainable recycling.
"ECHA’s scientific expertise on chemicals will play a key role in making packaging materials safer for the environment and people and enhance their reuse and recyclability. We are looking forward to collaborating with the European Commission and other partners in this new role", said Peter van der Zandt, ECHA’s Director of Risk Management.
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation aims to reduce packaging waste, enhance sustainability and decrease the environmental impact of packaging. This will promote circular economy, resource efficiency and encourage the development of eco-friendly packaging technologies and materials.
ECHA is responsible for specific tasks under the Regulation, while the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment oversees its implementation.