The aim of the 6th International Conference on Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-based Plastics & Composites in Cologne, which will take place from 10-12.04.2013, is to provide major players from the US and German bio-based chemicals and plastics industries with an opportunity to present and discuss their latest developments and strategies. Representatives of political bodies and associations will also have their say alongside leading companies. For the very first time, the conference will count with a third day especially dedicated to the latest research activities in the field of industrial biotechnology & bio-based plastics. More than 250 participants are expected, both from industry (e.g. DuPont, BASF) and research institutes (e.g. University of California, Max Planck Institute).
The conference theme covers the whole area of Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-based chemicals and materials. Bio-based chemicals and materials are based on the direct use or the biotechnological modification of starch, sugar, plant oil, cellulose/natural fibres as well as special biomolecules such as rubber or lignin. This group of biomaterials includes bio-based plastics, biodegradable ones as well as durables, natural fibre reinforced plastics and additives.
For the sixth year in a row, an Innovation Award will be awarded to the young, innovative bio-materials industry, along with suitable applications and markets for bio-based products exclusively coming from the US and Germany this time. The focus of the award is on new developments within these areas, which have had a market launch in 2012 and 2013.