PlasticsEurope, the Pan-European trade association representing plastics manufacturers, launched today its Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) annual Progress Report taking stock of the advancements made by our members together with the value chain towards ending pellet loss in any environment.
On this occasion, PlasticsEurope unveiled its action plan, together with the plastics value chain, for the development of a European zero pellet loss certification scheme by 2022. It will set common requirements based on the six pillars of the OCS pledge that will be audited regularly by accredited third parties. This way, it will enable the plastics industry and all the value chain of pellets handlers to transparently and jointly demonstrate their efforts to achieving zero pellet loss into the environment.
The aim is to have all PlasticsEurope member companies externally audited by 2025.
The full report is available on: www.opcleansweep.eu and www.plasticseurope.org.
Further activities supporting the fight against marine litter can be found on www.marinelittersolutions.org.

Source: PlasticsEurope