Moretto’s OTX Spyro is the latest innovation in the field of dehumidification.
Moretto launches OTX Spyro hopper, the latest innovation in the field of dehumidification. The innovative shape of the hopper solves the falling flow problems and permits to manage more efficaciously the drying process and to control the process inside the hopper.
The particular hopper configuration grants an homogeneous airflow and temperature, in this way it allows to have an optimal treatment of the granule with a considerable reduction of the energetic costs in comparison to the costs produced by using conventional hoppers.
Among the latest innovations we point out the exclusive shockproof Spyro finishing, that besides being a distinctive and peculiar aspect of the new hopper, it makes also the new hopper more resistant than those produced by using standard finishing. It can’t be damaged. OTX is an exclusive project and Spyro is a patented model.