Polish market players have reported better demand for both PE and PP from converters. - The purchasing activity has certainly increased, although, of course, it has not reached the levels of previous years - a market player commented.
This factor, along with several other important ones such as a decrease of imports, logistical challenges, a rise in transport costs, production issues at some plants and a decline in the national currency, has caused yet another round of polyolefin price increases in Poland.
European PE and PP have risen in value by €20 - 30/t and €40 - 50/t, respectively, this week. In most cases, traders have been the ones raising prices, as the majority of producers have already closed their order books. Some traders have also halted sales this week, planning to resume them either next week or in early February when the price situation is clear. Film HDPE and LDPE costs €1,050 - 1,150/t and €1,070 - 1,130/t now, €20 - 30/t more than last week. Injection-moulding PP has risen in value by €50/t to €1,100 - 1,170/t.
Further price increases are expected in the market. - Given the current global circumstances, it is the right time for European suppliers to raise prices - a Polish trader believes. According to market players, polymers may get more expensive next week. Price increases are also expected next month, with PE and PP possibly gaining around €100/t and €130 - 150/t respectively.

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