News Plastech

New light stabilizer launched by BASF

New light stabilizer launched by BASF

According to United Nations estimates, over 9 billion people will be living on Earth by the year 2050. The amount of arable land needed to feed them, however, will not increase at the same rate. Inexpensive greenhouses made from plastic film represent one way to solve this problem: With the aid of such greenhouses, the output per hectare can be increased considerably.

Plastics from greenhouse gas are no dream, says Bayer

Plastics from greenhouse gas are no dream, says Bayer

Bayer is building a pilot plant for the kilogram-scale production of polyether polycarbonate polyols (PPPs) from the major greenhouse gas CO2 and propylene oxide. PPPs can be further processed to produce polyurethane.

Braskem at K 2010: project for green propylene industrial unit

Braskem at K 2010: project for green propylene industrial unit

Braskem, the largest thermoplastic resin producer in the Americas and a company committed to bringing to market products and solutions with high technical performance that are aligned with the principles of the low-carbon economy, announces the conclusion of the conceptual phase of the project to build a green propylene plant.
