News Plastech

DuPont introduces Biomax PTT

DuPont introduces Biomax PTT

DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers announced the introduction of Biomax PTT, which contains up to 35 percent renewably sourced content for packaging applications. Biomax PTT 1100 is especially suitable for use in injectionmolded containers, cosmetic packaging and other parts where polyesters are used.

Plastics producers welcome agreement on EU Waste Framework Directive

Plastics producers welcome agreement on EU Waste Framework Directive

PlasticsEurope, the association of European plastics manufacturers, welcomes today`s adoption of the revised EU Waste Framework Directive by the European Parliament. The directive marks an important step towards improved resource efficiency and the reduction of landfill in Europe, thus decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the climate.

Borealis commits to further reducing pollution with AdBlue

Borealis commits to further reducing pollution with AdBlue

Borealis, a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions, invests EUR 5 million in their cutting-edge urea solution that reduces pollution by converting nitrogen oxides into atmospheric nitrogen and water. This development enables trucks of the newest generation with EURO IV and EURO V exhaust gas limits to easily meet the demand for lower emissions.

Interview with Steven Mojo, Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute

Interview with Steven Mojo, Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute

We publish an interview with Steven Mojo, Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute: Breakdown on bioplastics - Alternative materials increasingly viable.Brand owners concerned about the sustainability of their product packaging are growing increasingly uneasy about traditional petroleumbased polymer packaging. They recognize all the advantages it offers in protecting their product, but they also are under pressure to meet mandatory retail initiatives and to reap some of the rewards associated with improved environmental stewardship.

New environmentally friendly coupling reactions

New environmentally friendly coupling reactions

In close cooperation with leading research institutes, Saltigo GmbH has developed a number of new reaction technologies to bring the ecological aspects of the production of agrochemical intermediates and active ingredients in line with the economic implications.

BASF takes care of environment

BASF takes care of environment

BASF is the world`s first company to present a comprehensive carbon balance for its operations. The results show that BASF products can save three times more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire amount caused by the production and disposal of the company`s products. - Climate change is one of the main challenges faced by society - said Eggert Voscherau, Vice Chairman of BASF SE. - We are facing up to this challenge and offering a wide range of solutions that help to protect the climate.