Polyamide (PA)
News Plastech

Bienvenue! Lyon is looking forward to the FIP

Bienvenue! Lyon is looking forward to the FIP

From 5 to 8 April 2022, France Innovation Plasturgie (FIP), the only trade fair of its kind in France, will take place again in Lyon as a face-to-face event on the Eurexpo site.

Joint venture in China

Joint venture in China

Fujian Highsun Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd and AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH establish joint venture in China

Feddersen Group at Fakuma 2021

Feddersen Group at Fakuma 2021

After one year without trade fairs, the companies of the Feddersen Group are finally looking forward to meeting their business partners in person again at Fakuma 2021. They will be coming up with a whole bouquet of new products and services to provide ideas and inspiration for new, future-oriented and sustainable applications.