News Plastech

Plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers in Europe in 2010

Plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers in Europe in 2010

- The slowdown in 2009 which Europe’s plastics and rubber equipment manufacturers had predicted turned out to be a deep slump and hit the branch much more than it expected one year ago - said Bernhard Merki, President of Euromap, Europe’s association for plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers.

Compelling Facts about plastics

Compelling Facts about plastics

In 2007, 9 countries (representing 29% of the population in EU27+NO/CH) recovered more than 80% of their used plastics and are near to realising their diversion from landfill vision.

Boom for German plastics and rubber machinery is over

Boom for German plastics and rubber machinery is over

Turning point reached following boom in orders for plastics and rubber machinery in the first half of 2008. After years of healthy growth rates and record output in 2007, the upward trend in German plastics and rubber machinery manufacturing seems to be over.

Analysis of the plastic tube market

Analysis of the plastic tube market

Just a few weeks before the International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair, Tube 2008, in Düsseldorf, another sector is reporting successful developments. In addition to the steel industry, which is currently posting one positive result after another, the German plastic tube industry is charting a course for significant growth. As Dr. Elmar Löckenhoff, Managing Director of the Kunststoffrohrverband e.V. (Plastic Tube Association), states in the preface of the KRV business report 2007, the German plastic tube industry is also benefiting from globalisation. - This is shown specifically by the opening of the Eastern European markets - he admits.

PET is the world`s favourite in the beverage industry

PET is the world`s favourite in the beverage industry

Bottling lines in the beverage industry fill entire buildings. Faults in individual units can therefore affect the efficiency of the overall line. Manufacturers of bottling and packaging lines know the challenges and now offer space-saving solutions which also operate more cost efficiently.

Luxury through innovation

Luxury through innovation

New plastic materials and techniques can provide cost-effective luxury packaging solutions in the beauty market - writes Gérald Martines from RPC.

There are two major global trends in packaging printing

There are two major global trends in packaging printing

The Top-class finishing and security printing are two major global trends in packaging printing. In the run-up to drupa 2008, the world`s printing and finishing experts agree that there are two major trends at work - highly finished packaging materials and packaging as well as security printing.