News Plastech

Concentrated Power for the birthday party

Concentrated Power for the birthday party

Wittmann Battenfeld is celebrating its 10th anniversary on June 13 and 14. Among other attractions, the guests will have the opportunity to experience the company’s expertise first-hand with 14 machines from the PowerSeries demonstrating interesting processes and applications.

Double birthday for Bond-Laminates

Double birthday for Bond-Laminates

Bond-Laminates GmbH is celebrating two birthdays at once: the company was founded 20 years ago and acquired by the specialty chemicals group LANXESS five years ago.

25 years of Arburg host computer system ALS

25 years of Arburg host computer system ALS

In 1986, the invention of the Arburg host computer system ALS – the first ever software intended specifically for injection moulding plants – was a pioneering achievement. It enables the networking of machines, the monitoring of processes and the documentation of settings data.