Financial results
News Plastech

European producers try to hold EP prices

European producers try to hold EP prices

Based on problems with the availability of imported materials, European producers will attempt to maintain prices at the level of the previous month or slightly raise them.

Market players hoped for an increase in demand for PE

Market players hoped for an increase in demand for PE

Market players had hoped for increased PE demand due to summer activities in Europe, but they did not observe significant impacts. Nonetheless, this month is described as relatively active in PE and PP sales.

Untha shredding technology looks back on a successful 2022

Untha shredding technology looks back on a successful 2022

Untha shredding technology GmbH, the Austrian manufacturer of industrial shredding systems, looks back on a successful 2022: The company achieved yet another record turnover in the region of 80 million Euro, set up a new subsidiary in Turkey, noted a distinct improvement of supply conditions, came up with product innovations, made progress with regard to digitalisation and hired 50 new employees.