Polymer industry
News Plastech

Plastics meet the growing needs of society

Plastics meet the growing needs of society

Plastics are a crucial part of 21st century life. Not only do they provide us with useful, lightweight and durable products, but they play a key role in the sustainable development of our world.

Plastics – the Facts 2010

Plastics – the Facts 2010

PlasticsEurope is the organization representing Europe’s plastics manufacturers. It networks with European and national plastics associations and has 100 member companies, producing over 90% of all polymers. Now PlasticsEurope launched its yearly report about plastics market.

Central European polymer demand grew in 2008

Central European polymer demand grew in 2008

Polymer demand in 2008 in four key Central European countries - Poland, Hungary and the Czech and Slovak Republics - reached 4.28m tonnes, according to an estimate from AMI.

Compelling Facts about plastics

Compelling Facts about plastics

In 2007, 9 countries (representing 29% of the population in EU27+NO/CH) recovered more than 80% of their used plastics and are near to realising their diversion from landfill vision.