News Plastech

More plastics diverted from landfill

More plastics diverted from landfill

According to PlasticsEurope, thanks to continuous improvement in plastics end-of-life management options and a growing public awareness, the amount of plastics ending up in landfills is constantly decreasing despite an increase of 2.5% in post-consumer plastic waste in 2010 (last year analyzed by PlasticsEurope).

PET is fashion

PET is fashion

By international standards, Switzerland can be proud of a high PET recycling quota of more than 80%. The trade organization PET Recycling Switzerland wants more and, with this in mind, engaged top Swiss photographers. The project “PET is fashion” attracted much attention way beyond the country’s borders.

A new game 'Bin It' challenges people to recycle

A new game 'Bin It' challenges people to recycle

'Bin It' it is a new game launched by Plastics Make it Possible®, an initiative sponsored by the plastics industries of the American Chemistry Council. A goal of the game is simple: to encourage more plastics recycling through fun.

Packaging waste declining rapidly

Packaging waste declining rapidly

A new report on the analysis of official EU data on packaging shows that over the past 11 years the amount of packaging waste going to final disposal in EU-15 has fallen by 43%.
