News Plastech

A visit to Engel's customers

A visit to Engel's customers

The large majority of TV sets manufactured in Europe come in housings produced by the privately owned firm of Jász Plasztik. Currently equipped with over 150 injection moulding machines, Jász Plasztik leads the field in Hungary - only 20 years after Lajos Kasza started it up in his garage at home. The 110 injection moulding machines from Engel have had an important part to play in this story.

Nonverbal packaging

Nonverbal packaging

Creativeness out-of-bounds, a furious interplay of colours and shapes, exploding into brainchildren and fetching ideas of a genius, eventually converging on a perfect solution.

Huhtamaki support the Clean Baltic Sea-project

Huhtamaki support the Clean Baltic Sea-project

This Christmas Huhtamaki supports The Clean Baltic Sea project by donating the 2008 Season`s Greetings card funds to boost the efficiency of urban wastewater treatment in Baltic countries.

Extending cooling system`s the easy way

Extending cooling system`s the easy way

The rapid growth to 20 mil Smart Cards per month resulted in the necessity to extend the production process. Circle Smart was looking for a fast and flexible solution to increase the required cooling capacity for the extended production. - After the good experience we`ve had with gwk there was no point in finding a different supplier. Therefore we decided to employ a large compact chiller by gwk, so that we would be prepared for further extensions - says Hans P. Kästner, CircleSmartCard AG.

KraussMaffei reduces power consumption

KraussMaffei reduces power consumption

Energy costs account for an ever-increasing share of manufacturing costs. For this reason, KraussMaffei Berstorff is identifying ways of helping customers to reduce power consumption. For example, the company now offers its range of 36D single-screw extruders with energy-efficient, high-performance, three-phase AC motors.