News Plastech

Engel at Fakuma 2008

Engel at Fakuma 2008

With a motto of "Energise your future" the Austrian manufacturer of injection moulding machines, Engel, is exhibiting at Fakuma Friedrichshafen from 14 to 18 October. Energy optimised, powerful machine designs are the focus of this year`s trade fair presentation: the highlight is the new Engel duo 500 pico - a compact variant of the tried-and-trusted Engel duo large scale machine series. Besides this Engel will be presenting three fully electric machines and the Engel e-victory hybrid machine.

Drymax dryers complete with energy rating

Drymax dryers complete with energy rating

Wittmann has introduced a comprehensive testing program to establish energy ratings for their Drymax dry air dryers. The familiar topic of energy efficiency and energy savings is commonly put forth by many suppliers as a sales argument but what are their claims really based on and can they be substantiated? After several years of research, Wittmann has developed a standardized rating method based on stringent test conditions that provide repeatable results for the actual energy use.

Interview with Andy Verheijden, Piotr Kwiecień and Boy Litjens from SABIC

Interview with Andy Verheijden, Piotr Kwiecień and Boy Litjens from SABIC

SABIC is the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, one of the world`s leading manufacturers of chemicals, fertilizers, plastics and metals. The company supplies these materials to other companies, who use them to make the products on which the world has come to depend. SABIC Innovative Plastics, launched in 2007, is a leading, global supplier of engineering thermoplastics with a 75-year history of breakthrough solutions that solve its customers` most pressing challenges. We publish the interview with Andy Verheijden (Growth Leader for Eastern Europe at SABIC Innovative Plastics, formerly GE Plastics), Piotr Kwiecień (Office Captain of SABIC Poland), and Boy Litjens (Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managing Board of SABIC Europe).

Sagentia has developed a prototype cardboard can

Sagentia has developed a prototype cardboard can

As a low-cost, renewable material, cardboard is an attractive packaging option for a wide range of products, but it has never been seen as practical for pressurised containers. Sagentia has developed a prototype cardboard can which is strong, waterproof and gas tight - representing a significant technical achievement.

Hybrid drive: Hydraulic injection moulding on the Allrounder 570 A

Hybrid drive: Hydraulic injection moulding on the Allrounder 570 A

Arburg wouldn`t be Arburg if it weren`t constantly thinking up new well thought-out ways of expanding the modular Allrounder range. One new addition relates to the movement axes on the largest electric model to date, the Allrounder 570 A with a clamping force of 2,000 kN. In addition to the largest, size 800, electric injection unit, a hydraulically actuated, accumulator driver injection axis is now available in conjunction with the size 1300 injection unit. This permits much higher injection performance, injection speed and dynamism.

Interview with Steven Mojo, Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute

Interview with Steven Mojo, Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute

We publish an interview with Steven Mojo, Executive Director of the Biodegradable Products Institute: Breakdown on bioplastics - Alternative materials increasingly viable.Brand owners concerned about the sustainability of their product packaging are growing increasingly uneasy about traditional petroleumbased polymer packaging. They recognize all the advantages it offers in protecting their product, but they also are under pressure to meet mandatory retail initiatives and to reap some of the rewards associated with improved environmental stewardship.

Gerresheimer offers a new technique for labelling glass

Gerresheimer offers a new technique for labelling glass

As a worldwide innovation Gerresheimer offers a new technique for labelling glass products for pharmaceutics. One square millimetre ensures that the type and origin of glass primary packaging is traceable at any time.

Watermark in plastics

Watermark in plastics

Warwick Manufacturing Group`s process creates a "watermark" in plastics A technology to fight against the growing worldwide problem of product counterfeiting has been developed by researchers at Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), at the University of Warwick in the UK.

New environmentally friendly coupling reactions

New environmentally friendly coupling reactions

In close cooperation with leading research institutes, Saltigo GmbH has developed a number of new reaction technologies to bring the ecological aspects of the production of agrochemical intermediates and active ingredients in line with the economic implications.

BASF expands capacities for Neopor

BASF expands capacities for Neopor

BASF is expanding its production capacities for the innovative insulation product Neopor in Ludwigshafen and will start producing the material for the first time in South Korea. Neopor needs less material to achieve the same insulation quality as Styropor, thus making a key contribution to energy efficiency and climate protection.

Functional decoration - Information and security key functions for labels

Functional decoration - Information and security key functions for labels

No longer are they merely decoration. Labels today are performing more and more functions. In addition to the marketing aspect of a finely printed label for a brand, labels are also used to guard against counterfeiting and tampering. Advances in print technology make it possible to integrate new functions into labels. At interpack PROCESSES AND PACKAGING 2008 from 24 to 30 April in Düsseldorf, manufacturers of label materials and applicator systems will display their latest developments.